Somehow, someway I managed to go the entire year of 2023 and only post 1 new item to this site! I'd like to report that was due to some exciting new business venture or lifestyle change but alas, that is not the case. As I've mentioned before sometimes "Life Gets In the Way" and that's ok.
That being said, let me leave you with one tip I was able to discover the other day that might help you as well. I was forever frustrated with the fact that when using the Gmail web app there would be times while viewing the new email in the reader, it would just vanish from my inbox. Not vanish from the reader mind you, but only in the inbox pane. I would have to refresh the app for it to appear again. After much fruitless googling (irony intended) I made the following updates which seems to have corrected it. While in Gmail, go to settings → see all settings → Inbox → Inbox type: default, then uncheck all the category types leaving only Primary. The theory is Gmail was trying to figure out how to categorize the new email while I was viewing it. Since I don't really care about the category types turning off the functionality isn't a problem for me. So far so good on the results!
August 2024